Sunday, March 23, 2008


I hope you all had a fantastic Easter! We did. We enjoyed visiting with family, hunting eggs and flying kites. We also ate our weight in Ham and Sugar, in various forms of deliciousness.....feeling that now and regret is setting in. The boys are just about to come crashing down from the sugar high and we will bathe them and let them sleep it off!
Jacob has already asked "what comes next?", which is the question I get after every holiday. So I then go into the never ending list of holidays and celebrations. He then quickly starts counting down.

The next one, just so you can count down with him, is Lukes 2nd birthday. He was born on Easter Sunday (which was April 16th) two years ago!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Remember Me?

Ok, this blogging thing takes time. I don't have time. At this stage in the game, I get about 4 hours of sleep a night on average. I consider goldfish a meal, as long as I have a capri sun with it. I have been known to wear the same clothes for 36 hours or more.....yep, that's right, 36 hours. No shower, no changing into fresh in the morning, just keep on keeping on. Juggling two boys, (three if you count the dad) and thier very different schedules AND trying to remember who I am, or used to be before this, is HARD.
But, when a little man is tapping my shoulder at 3:30 AM whispering "mama, juice" , How can I not LOVE it. It is just the sweetest sound EVER!

So, I have fallen off the blogging wagon, I admit. I will try to be more diligent in my blogging, but can make no promises. You just never know when someone might need juice.....Or goldfish!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Perfect Parent!

So, I get this email today about Jerry Seinfelds wife and how she puree's all the baby's food blah blah blah. Here's the thing....that is either a lie or a priviledge of the wealthy. I decided to just make an executive decision that we will start each day at 6AM; since the day never really ends I had to have some sort of boundary! So we start at 6, even though we have probably been up since 4, we fight over eating breakfast, what to eat, wether to eat, that's exhausting. I get everybody dressed and throw them in the car to get Jacob to school...just before we wake Joe Vincent up so he can get to work, yup that is what I said. Then Luke and I come back home and play, sing, count, whatever he wants for at least an hour. Then he starts 'helping' me with dusting or laundry or whatever task I have decided to try to accomplish that day. What he is actually doing is creating MORE work for me.....My choice, I'm home with them for a reason! I love it. But, I'll bet it is easier if you have NANNY'S. Spoiled brat. (not my best example of being a good christian mom)
So, here is the other thing, nobody told me that to be a mom, a good mom, I would no longer be able to sleep more than 4 hours a day, pee by myself, have a conversation with my husband, or anyone else for that matter!
I would not trade it for the world, but I totally get why the grandparents are so happy all the time....they get to sleep. Pee by themselves. Have adult conversations. They probably get to listen to better music ,too. I'm constantly humming the theme to Clifford or Big Big world...catchy tune, he just sounds like he is totally high!
That is it, that is all I got. My husband is giving me the night off....isn't it sweet of him to Parent for me once in a while.
I'm going to bed....

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well, Christmas is over. Jacob got Heely's......and $2000 worth of additional toys. Luke got his fair share as well. The rest of us got Debt.....or traded money with each other.
Jacob and Luke got their paw prints from Penny in their stockings. It was sad and sweet all at once. Jacob is really missing her.
As soon as Thanksgiving lunch is over, I can't wait to get the Tree up and the house decorated for Christmas. Now, I can't wait to take it down. It is driving me crazy. Toys, new and old, ALL over the house. I could go three weeks without washing for the boys for all the new clothes and undies they got. I think Joe got a pair of socks from someone. I got some slippers.
Anyhoo....I get to spend the weekend cleaning up Christmas, putting new toys and games together and finding room to cram them somewhere. So exciting. No, really, I can't wait! Start the new year off with a clean living room and closets so crammed full we are afraid to open them. Hmmmmm.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Ok, so I started a blog. I emailed friends and family about it. I've tried to keep mental notes of things you all may be interested in knowing. The usual, Luke is talking a little, Jacob is excited about Christmas, our dog died, blah blah blah......
Just in case your keeping track, I've gotten one lame response(although, much appreciated Meredith!) Even though I've only gotten one response.......I get countless emails and phone calls about my lack of updates. You people have a lot of nerve.

So, here is an updated BLOG for all you people who sit around and read blogs, daily.
Thanksgiving was painful, but it is over now, whew! Christmas is coming, so I'm starting to get sick. I'm sure it will be full blown pnuemonia by the big guys birthday. Jacob is so worried about Penny being alone in heaven that he is more focosed on that than the 'gimme toys!' thing that kids usually do. Luke is FINALLY starting to talk, He is 19 months old and has about a 10 word vocabulary, about half what he 'should' have. Joe is hunting every chance he gets. Even though he is technically NOT on a deer lease, he is on 3, that I know of. I have started a business with Arbonne International and love it! My goal is to have Joe Vincent retired from all the lawn work he does on the side so he can be home with us more. I think that is it. Maybe something exciting will happen this weekend and I can update on Monday! This will have to do for now.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

I have heard this question at least one thousand times since the 4th of July! Just as I hear the famous "can we go swimming?" from Christmas on! I love the simplicity of it.
That being said, I wish it were all that simple! But, since it is not, I must get ready for the day and put on a calm face so that I can "assure" Jacob and Luke that it really is all that simple! It is not the stress and madness that it really is. I wish I could keep it simple for them forever.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


As we are drowning in Christmas everywhere we go, Santa has been on Jacob's mind. He is fascinated by the magic and mystery of this one man with such a big job. He has added a new expectation to his list of magic things he thinks Santa can do...send letters to heaven. With the loss of our dog, Penny, so fresh on his mind, Jacob wrote her a letter, took down his OWN stocking and hung Penny's stocking, with letter in it, so Santa would take the letter to heaven for her. He faithfully checks the stocking every morning before school to see if the letter is sticking out far enough for Santa to see. He is constantly reminding me that we have to bake "good" cookies for Santa this year, because he will be so busy. As if to say that I have baked mediocre cookies every other year...hmmm.
The simple love for his dog, the absolute amazement he has for this magic man, Santa, and his complete change in direction as for his thoughts about Christmas are so awsome to me. He wants to go sit on Santa's lap and ask him "can you really send letter's to heaven?" He has forgotten about the huge list of toys he made and the want for all things that every other kid has.
But in the magic of being 5, he asks me,"since Santa will be so busy, can you buy me heely's?"
I love it!